Celebrates PCSkull Second Anniversary

Dear all,
Those were early days, I started blogging to spread knowledge whatever kind and to help all around. Squandering hours and hours in front of computer and getting hands on, I don”t know when it has become my passion.. Enthusiasm was on hike to learn each and every new thing about blogging; as developing, coding and writing are part of my territory. After setting stage with all aspects of handling blogs, on 16 Oct 2012 I started PCSkull.
I”m so honored to be here to tell you, Today is PCSkull second anniversary.
For Android user, developer we have Android section. For iPhone lover wehave iPhone section. For job aspirant we have Placement Preparation section. Those who gets placement can share his/her own experience about placement, written test and interviews. PCSkull also shares latest smartphone, gadget review, source code, make money and technology updates. (More about PCSkull: Here)
Today PCSkull have 40 guest author across India and some from out of India (Guest author link: Here).,
I count my success in someone”s tears of happiness when he/she gets placed and heart fully says Thanks!. I count my success when someone appreciate and make my identity. I count my success in earning little bit bucks too 😉 .
I am really thankful to all PCSkull followers, enthusiastic reader, Guest Author and my entire near and dear one. Thanks to all my buddies. Without all your endless support it would not possible.
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I am very much eager to get feedback from you all. So it will give me chance to take PCSkull Next level. Feel free to comment your feedback.
Thank you very much! Stay Happy!
Aniruddha C.
Founder/Editor of PCSkull