4 Clever Ways | How to Increase Website Traffic?

A lot of newbies and experienced bloggers get confused when they don’t receive a positive response even after investing a considerable amount of money to their blogs.

To be honest, I also felt the same when I started my first blog back in 2009. But, I kept on learning through several experimentations and bad experiences.

Don’t worry… I am not asking you to follow the same approach because if I do, you will certainly give up your passion.

Do you know why?

It is because, in this massive competition if you are not implementing the right techniques to increase website traffic, you might end up with nothing.

Therefore, I have narrowed down a couple of striking ways. This will surely help you make your blog a traffic generating machine in no time.

4 Clever Ways to Increase Website Traffic:

Shall we start?

#1 Add Uniqueness to Your Blog

There are hundreds of blogs available on the internet, but not every blog gets famous.

A blog that incorporates ‘x-factor’ into its writing style wins the race.

Yes, you heard me right. If you want to make your blog visible to its target audience, then you really need to follow the exact same approach.

For instance, if you are running a marketing blog, then think of the topics that can connectyou to the intended audience quite easily. Your topic’s title, its sentence structure and writing tone everything should be according to the preference and behavior of your prospects.

There are many expert content writers. You should consider them your competitor. You should start learning from your competitor about Content Marketing

If you are new to the blogging industry and marketing is your niche, then I would suggest you read Jeff Bullas.

The reason why I am asking you to read this blog is that of its writing style. I am sure that you will learn a lot about how to add uniqueness to a conventional topic and make it reader-centric. This tactic surely will increase website traffic.

#2 Run a Series of Episodic Content

People always like to read something interesting and eye-catching. And, a series of episodic content can be a vital technique to convert a random visitor to a potential reader.

No matter what type of niche you are about to cover in your blog. This strategy will surely work for you to increase website traffic.

But for this, you will have to create an actionable content calendar in order to meet the requirements of your readers. As this way, you will be able to publish the right content at the right time to quench the thirst of your audience.

Many of the bloggers, just ignore the internal blog strategies. Don’t do that.

#3 Target Relevant Keywords Within Your Blog

Apart from reader satisfaction, you also have to think about the search engine. If you are willing to attain remarkable ranking on Google, then you need to formulate an effective strategy for it.

However, this journey starts by targeting the right keywords within a blog.

For this, you will have to use a couple of keyword research tools.

I personally use Keyword Planner. It is a pretty comprehensive tool that will help you find the relevant keywords in an easy way. Not only this, you can also see what keywords your competitors are using. It helps to attain the top ranking on search engine and to increase website traffic.

But, you have to be very careful when targeting the keywords. If the quality of your content gets affected, people will definitely look for the alternatives.

#4 If Content is King, Then Social Media is Queen

Social media is taking the world of marketing to a whole new level. If you desperately want to take your blog to the sky, then use the power of social media wisely.

Social media is not just about promoting content. In fact, it is a platform that will assist you in making a lot of new and useful connections as well.

Also, read 20 Social Media Marketing Strategies used by Professionals.

So, make sure to utilize social media in the best possible way to increase website traffic.

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  • Albert Barkley

    I believe that following your guidelines, one can be able to increase traffic on his website successfully. However, my question is that, how Hashtags are useful in building a targeted based traffic for a website?

    • Aniruddha Chaudhari

      Peeps follow hashtags to get the related information. On another side, using hashtags will sharing the content helps us to reach those targeted audiences.

  • John Mathew

    This blog has very short content but the most beautiful thing here is related information and content quality. I am an owner of a couple of websites and blogs. Will try these methods to get the traffic to my articles.

    • PCSkull Editorial Team

      Thanks, John. We would like to hear from you again with your result after trying these methods.