Award Winning Tools for Mobile Application Development

There are many Mobile application development tools. That is categorized for coding, building, and testing of the application. There are also some tools for monitoring the usage, offering back-end connections, and also for pushing ads. Many tools have revolutionized mobile application development, some of which today stand as Jolt Award winners.

What is Dr. Dobb’s Jolt Award?

The Dr. Dobb’s Jolt Product Excellence & Productivity Awards are annually given to tools, products or software that have jolted the tech world. You can find detail about Dr. Dobb’s Jolt award on Wikipedia.

Here go 5 best Jolt Award-Winning Mobile Application Development tools

1. LiveCode 6.5

It is the finalist of the Jolt Awards as developers love this tool among the best mobile app development tools. We can write iOS and Android apps without going into detail. It is useful when developers work in a RAD development environment.

It offers an IDE that includes drag and drops UI elements, defining their properties, and using a sort of English scripting language for adding logic. LiveCode helps to target both iOS and Android from a single source that helps to create attractive and functional apps that look like native apps.

It also supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that is target desktop platforms. LiveCode is also helpful to convert a prototype to a live app due to its easy scripting language.

2. Sencha Touch 2.3.1

The next best tool from award-winning mobile application development tools is Sencha. This offers a framework that facilitates working with HTML5 and CSS3. It helps us for developing mobile applications for Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Windows 8.x, Windows Phone, and Tizen. It adds hardware acceleration to these devices and helps to achieve features of the latest OS versions.

The apps generated by using Sencha Touch are very responsive along with good performance. The framework of Sencha Touch offers useful UI controls, built-in icons, and attractive themes that can also run in different mobile Web browsers.

This framework consists of some well-organized examples that help you to find its components and features compatible with the browser you like.

In this post, we are sharing all the multi-platform mobile application development tools. If you are looking for native android app development tools,  read the Full android app development Tutorial (Beginner to Expert).

3. Corona SDK

Another Jolt Product Excellence & Productivity Award goes to Corona SDK. This helps to develop the 2D rich app with an animated UI or to create a game to interact with typical Facebook login.

It offers some basic building blocks to reach many platforms from a single source and then simplifies the maintenance of such apps.

Corona SDK uses the Lua scripting language to build graphics-intensive apps on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, and Nook using a single code base that offers an excellent runtime performance. One of its other best features is its extremely fast simulator for graphics-intensive apps.

One of the most interesting features is the extremely fast simulator for graphics-intensive apps that makes excellent use of the OpenGL acceleration available on your development computer.

The Pro edition adds support for additional Corona plugins such as the Social plugin for social media.

The Enterprise edition enables you to call native libraries in C++, Objective-C, and Java from your Lua code.

4. Titanium Studio

Titanium Studio helps developers to use their existing expertise for mobile application development to create apps for a variety of platforms from a single code-base.

It helps to target mobile Web, Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Tizen and also to organize those assets that are marked for each different target platform. This Jolt award-winning platform offers logical integration between its Alloy MVC framework and the Eclipse-based IDE.

The Alloy widgets allow developers to generate and reuse components over a variety of applications. Titanium Studio uses JavaScript as the main language to develop data-oriented or cloud-oriented mobile apps.

The presence of Alloy makes it easy to run and debug a mobile app in a browser before deploying it to mobile devices.

5. PhoneGap

Adobe PhoneGap has won Jolt Productivity Award for its exclusive feature of targeting a number of mobile platforms like Amazon Fire OS, Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone, Windows 8.x, and Tizen.

It is an open source that allows developers to add calls for controlling specific platforms. It also makes it easier to execute multiple build processes, by providing a cloud-based build service. It increases productivity for delivering updates to many platforms.

The command-line tool of PhoneGap makes it easy to create, build and emulate new projects, deploy the application, and add target platforms.

It is also the first product for mobile application developers who create complex native apps for different platforms without going into much detail about SDK.

These are the best awarding-winning mobile application development tools.  If you have used any of the above tools, feel free to share your experience in the comment below.

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  • rehan

    Mobile application to work great, but have to work hard for it and the brain has to good use…

  • Nikhil


    Thanks for sharing this wonderful information on mobile application development. l love to develop mobile applications.